What is cellulite and how totreat it?
Cellulite is the medical term usedfor the small amounts of fatty tissue that appear beneath the skin. It canoccur in any part of the body but the most frequent places where it appearsare in the thighs, lower legs, arms, and there are also cases when it isnoticeable even in chin and neck. Since it is visible and gives the skin thedimpled look, cellulite is one of the most worrying and nerve-racking problems for women who take care of the beauty and health of their skin. It usuallyappears more with women than with men and although many people think that it isconnected with obesity, it is not true because cellulite can appear even inunderweight people.
Cellulitecan be treated in various ways. One of the options is the laser surgery orlaser treatment combined with deep skin massage and different medications andcreams. Another way to get rid of cellulite is the surgery that is moreinvasive and sometimes can be dangerous for the health and life of theperson who undertakes this procedure.
Natural cures for cellulite
Natural ways to treat celluliteare the best and completely harmless. The most helpful cure for thereducing of cellulite is exercise, especially cardiovascular exercises such asjogging, walking, as well as swimming or aerobics. Moreover, weight lifting, ridinga bike or leg lifting may also help in reducing cellulite. Going to a gym isadvisable. A person has to concentrate more on the areas with mostcellulite and do more exercises for that region.
Massage is also very effectivewhen a person is faced with this problem. It is recommended that a trainedmassager performs the massage, and due to massage the lymphatic and bloodcirculations are improved, while skin gets better look because of the reductionof the fat. Coffee is, furthermore, a natural cure for cellulite. If aperson rubs the affected skin areas with warm coffee ground for 15 minutes, thecellulite will reduce gradually. Moreover, seaweed is similar to coffee, so itcan help with cellulite as well. Seaweed must be placed on the problematic areaand left there for about 20 minutes.
Drinking large amount ofdistilled or mineral water every day is a natural cure for cellulite. It isadvisable not to eat salty food because salt retains water, while coffee andalcohol are not recommended because they affect the visibility of thecellulite. Dry brushing in circulate motions improves the bloodcirculation and also helps in reduction of cellulite.
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