Milk of magnesia (or MOM) is chemically magnesium hydroxide or Mg(OH)2, a substance mainly used as a laxative but also for the treatment of acne. Skin problem such as acne is not only teenager’s nightmare but can also affect adult people in their 20s and 30s, and even some menopausal women. Some acne disappear on their own, and some need to be treated. There are various acne vulgaris treatments and people are left to find the product and therapy effective against their skin problem, because everyone’s skin reacts differently. MOM was not initially designed to treat skin disorders, but people suffering from acne claim that it worked for them.
MOM Acne Treatment
MOM can be had in a liquid solution, syrup, capsules or a tablet. Because of the white color and liquid condition people called it milk of magnesia. Of course, as the therapy for acne, patients use liquid solution as topical treatment. MOM is claimed to work efficiently against cystic acne, blackheads, but it is also found useful for people suffering from oily skin.
This liquid works by neutralizing the acidity of the skin, which is considered to be one of the main causes of acne. Additionally, milk of magnesia disinfects skin and absorbs excess oil from the skin, leaving it without oily film and blemishes. It should be used on the oily areas of the skin or on the acne, only. People who don’t have any of these problems may seriously dry their skin and even provoke flaky skin, if they start using milk of magnesia. It is recommended to be applied to the oily skin every day, but patients with sensitive skin may use it two or three times per week. Apply the solution on the face with a cotton ball, and then wipe it with a wet cloth or wash it off your face.
Adverse Reactions of MOM
As stated, people with sensitive or dry skin may experience some unpleasant effects if they start to use milk of magnesia. Their skin may become very dry and tight, but as soon as they stop using the product the skin will get back to its normal condition.
However, some patients with oily skin and/or acne may have certain problems with MOM. It could affect their skin, completely removing the acidic barrier and protection of the skin, leaving it even more vulnerable to infections and acne than before. Their skin can also become extremely dry and that condition might stimulate production of the oil in the skin and cause further problem, known as reactive seborrhea.
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