Manuka honey is becoming one of the most popular natural remedies for a wide array of ailments. It is certain that every household should have a jar of this honey because it can really come in handy.
What is manuka honey?
Manuka honey is a type of honey that originated from New Zealand, where local population has been aware of its benefits for a long time. It is gathered from the manuka bush or Leptospermum scoparium, known for its antibacterial properties. The bush can be found all over New Zealand, where it grows uncultivated, and lately more and more honey manufacturers have started cultivating the bush in controlled environments.
When purchasing manuka honey, it is recommended to search for original New Zealand brands and to carefully read the label. If there are artificial ingredients added to it to reduce the stickiness and to make it easier to apply on the skin, the honey may have lost some of its medicinal properties.
What are the medical uses of manuka honey?
This honey has powerful medical properties and it can be used to treat a wide range of ailments. Originally it was used on wounds, to speed up the healing and to prevent infections.
Manuka honey is very useful for eczema and dermatitis in general, and there is documented scientific evidence to back it up. It heals the skin, repairs the damaged cells and stimulates the new skin growth. It can also be used on healthy skin to moisturize and nourish it.
Arthritis sufferers can benefit from this honey too. It has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore reduces the pain and other symptoms associated with joints and muscles. When applied to the affected area, the skin absorbs it and the honey penetrates into deep layers and tissues. Its anti-inflammatory action, combined with the body’s own defense system, improves the circulation of blood and nutrients to the affected area and eliminates waste products.
These properties of manuka honey are owed mainly to glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate, agents that stimulate the production of new cartilage components necessary for healthy joints.
Manuka honey is too acidic for the bacteria to survive, and this is where its antibacterial properties come from. It can be safely applied to any type of wound in order to prevent infections and to promote the healing. It is particularly effective against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA. Unlike other topical antiseptics, manuka honey does not damage the cells or tissues.
This honey also possesses anti-fungal ingredients and it can be used to treat fungal infections of the skin, like ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot and nail fungus.
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