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Fibromyalgia presents a painful condition of fibromyalgic tissue (muscles and tendons). Several studies have been performed, but, the exact cause of this condition is not yet discovered. Some of the etiological factors that contribute to the occurrence of this illness are local disturbances of the blood circulation. Those disturbances are often related to local ischemia in muscles.


Most common cause can be stress, but also improper body posture, especially in certain phases of this condition. Constant muscle tension is often common in people affected by stress easily, and in people who suffer from some anxieties. One study proved the connection between anxiety and fibromyalgia. Life conditions might cause anxieties in people, and it is documented that those people also feel pain in certain muscle areas, headaches, tension that affects the entire body, etc.


Most commonly, this condition affects women much more than men. Age group that is in risk of getting affected by this illness is 25 to 45 years. The condition attacks this specific age group because that is a period of a woman’s life when they are at the peak of their mental and physical strength. This is why the stress has been pointed out as one of the most important triggers for this condition. In men, it happens rarely; statistics say that one man gets affected after 8 to 20 women. The symptoms are pain and rigor in muscles and skeletal system, while the most common localization is in the neck, arms, back, lumbar area and gluteus area. the patient complains of exhaustion and poor sleep; morning tiredness is present, and along with a chronic headache, common constipation comes. Patients also complain of the pain that affects the entire body.

Simple medical examination will reveal only increased sensitivity in muscles and tendons. In cases of fibromyalgia, there are nine pairs of sensitive spots, and for diagnosis to be set, the presence of at least eleven sensitive spots is needed (out of 18). Those spots include muscles in the neck, upper part of the back, lateral sides of gluteus area, elbows, knees and lumbar area.

The treatment depends on the intensity of the pain. Analgesics and NSAID meds are used, but sedatives also. Physical therapy is also recommended. One of the medications that is used often for fibromyalgia treatment is Lyrica. It is a very effective medication for dealing with this condition, but of course, it should be taken as needed and prescribed. Not more, because it will not create better effect, it can only cause occurrence of side effects.

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