For those who are searching for efficient ways to deal with fibromyalgia this article may provide help. Over 10 million of people in the United States suffer from this condition. There is no treatment for fibromyalgia and one just has to learn how to manage the symptoms.
What is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that affects the muscles and soft tissue. The condition is featured by pain, stiffness and tenderness of the muscles, ligaments and tendons. The pain caused by fibromyalgia is widespread, constant and dull. The condition is characterized by tender points, which are localized areas of the body that are tender to touch. These points commonly include back of the head, elbows, shoulders, knees, hips and upper chest. Fibromyalgia is also associated with chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression, mood changes and headaches. The cause of the condition is unknown but it is believed that it results from number of factors working together such as genetics, certain illnesses and stress or trauma. Fibromyalgia predominantly affects adult females but in rare cases it may be seen in males, children and elderly people. Fibromyalgia cannot be cured but the symptoms can be reduced with medications, diet, and exercise and stress reduction. Affected person should be well informed of the fibromyalgia facts and treatment in order to lessen the limitations of the condition.
How to Cope with Fibromyalgia?
There are several strategies that can help you to cope with fibromyalgia symptoms and find fibromyalgia pain relief.
Reduce stress. It is believed that stress triggers fibromyalgia symptoms. Most people with the condition have reported they were feeling anxious and tensed prior to appearance of the symptoms. Therefore, it is important to learn techniques for stress relief. This will also help to gain better quality of sleep.
Make changes at work. Every job is stressful so one has to stay physically and mentally balanced to perform job duties. It is important to finish all tasks without hurry to avoid stress. If it is possible organize flexible schedule, which will allow you to come at work later and leave later. This way you will get more rest in the morning. Do not overload your daily duties.
Improve your communication skills. It is important for those with fibromyalgia to learn to communicate openly and honestly. This way conflict between spouses, friends or co-workers will be avoided especially when affected person is going through constant pain and fatigue.
Learn to say “no”. If you don’t know when and how to say “no”, you may end up overloaded with responsibilities which will create additional stress and anxiety. Always think through before you answer to a persuasive friend and each day make a time just for yourself. This will help you to say “no”.
Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine can trigger stress response and in high amounts it causes anxiety and insomnia. Thereby, you should drink less coffee, tea and chocolate drinks.
Learn to relax. There are different relaxation techniques that can alleviate tension and anxiety. They include: visualization, meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis and biofeedback.
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