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Losing weight too fast could be dangerous to your health, not to mention well known fact that if you lose extra weight fast, your are apt to gain it fast again. You must keep in mind that everyone’s metabolism is not the same, and so are eating habits. You must carefully choose healthy eating plan in order to lose weight according to your specific metabolism, previous eating habits and amount of daily exercise.

Do not pay attention to other people’s achievement on losing weight; their experiences are no good to you. If in doubt it would be a good idea to consult with health care provider or with nutrition specialist. But we can offer you here some tips how to adopt your own specific health plan and to try to lose extra weight, without endangering your health in the process.

If you are not even sure that your are overweight, you can use BMI or body mass index calculator, in order to determine that. If you are already on some kind of healthy diet, but you need some more information, here are some tips for you.

Eating healthy in order to lose extra weight

You should start you new healthy eating plan slowly and gradually, and then as your body adapts to new daily diet, step up a bit. Also do not expect results over night; you must allow the reasonable amount of time to pass, before first results are shown.

Also exercise is the key. No matter how good your new or improved healthy eating plan is, you will never get satisfactory result if you do not exercise daily, together with new diet. You can choose from various types of exercises available today, and find the one that is best for you. Remember that you are trying to make a permanent change in your life, not just to lose weight and eat healthy now, but to stay at recommended weight and to continue to eat healthy later in life.

As you already probably know, it would be best to cutout consumption of alcohol completely, because alcoholic drinks have plenty of sugar and calories in it.

Also after you adopt your new health eating plan for loosing weight, or even when you are at consultation with your nutrition specialist, it is a good idea to set your weight loss goal. That way you will have something to aspire to, and star with realistic expectations.

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