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Neuro-linguistic programming, also known as NLP, is a modern approach to psychotherapy and organizational change, based on the relationships between successful patterns of behavior and the subjective experiences. The goal of a successful therapy is to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behavior. In a nutshell, people practicing neuro-linguistic programming believe there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (programming) and that can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.

History of neuro-linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic programming was found by Richard Bandler who studied selecting portions of taped therapy sessions of the late Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls as a project for Robert Spitzer. Bandler recognized particular structures of words and sentences, which aid the therapeutic suggestions. Bandler shared his thoughts with John Grinder, a linguist. Together they produced the meta model for neuro-linguistic programming. The model was presented in 1975 in two volumes, The Structure of Magic I: A Book About Language and Therapy and The Structure of Magic II: A Book About Communication and Change.In the early 1980s, NLP was prized as a significant advance in psychotherapy and counseling, but in the mid eighties reviews in The Journal of Counseling Psychology found little or no empirical basis for the efficiency of NLP.

However, NLP techniques are used and studied extensively to improve various management disciplines and promote problem-solving and decision-making skills. NLP is used in team-building, organizational development, conflict management and creating culture-change within an organization.

The use of neuro-linguistic programming

As a behavioral technology, neuro-linguistic programming offers a set of guiding principles, approaches and techniques about real-life behavior. Neuro-linguistic programming is a pragmatic approach based on ability to produce desired results and be proficient in creating the future circumstances. Because of this specific nature, neuro-linguistic programming is especially interesting to professionals involved in sales, management, customer services, sports, training, and personal development.

Techniques of neuro-linguistic programming are useful for sales persons, as they need to make a special bond with potential customers and to make them feel relaxes and full of confidence. They are also useful for managers who need to motivate the others and encourage them to give the best possible performance. People from customer support will benefit from neuro-linguistic programming once when they learn the easy way to be more customer-orientated. Sportsmen need the methods of neuro-linguistic programming to keep them highly motivated and to develop determination and strong focus on goals. This technique will be precious for anybody who wants to improve the quality of life, eliminate the obstacles and learn to embrace the life with positive thinking.

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