Knee pain is oneof the very common conditions in kids. Depending on the causeof the problem, it can require different treatments, from OTC pain killers tosome urgent surgical procedures.
“Growingpains” are the possible reasons for the pain in the knees your child iscomplaining about. In most cases, it causes pain at night time, and they areprovoked by the numerous and strenuous activities during the day. Usually, kidsreport pain in the legs, but the condition might be presented as the pain inthe knees, also. Heating the affected knee(s) or rubbing the place proved to bethe solution for this problem. If it doesn’t help, try some over the counterpain killers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Activeteenagers can also suffer from Osgood-Schlatter disease. The condition doesn’trequire any treatment and most patients outgrow the pain in a year or two.However, if it causes too much trouble, knee pads during some physicalactivities or knee wraps can do the trick for these kids.
Looseligaments, the condition also known as ligamentous laxity can also lead to kneepain in kids. This condition can cause unusual movement of the knee, and be thereason of sprains, ligament tears or dislocated knee. Doctors advise theparents and children to avoid strenuous activities that could potentiallyprovoke the injury.
Anteriorcruciate ligament or ACL can be noticed when the knee twists in an awkward positionand causes loud “pop” of the knee. This situation often happens during somesports, and the injury is rather serious and should be taken care of by amedical professional. In some cases, surgical procedure is a necessity.
Collateralligament injuries may appear after a football or soccer practice, and they arefollowed by bruising and swelling of the knee. Rest, ice, compression andelevation (RICE method) of the affected area are the actions recommended bydoctors.
Dislocatedknee and bone fractures can also provoke pain in the knee. Both of the conditionsrequire help of a medical professional, to asses and properly treat the kneeproblem.
Parapatellarknee pain syndrome can cause the pain in both kneecaps. Climbing stairs, running, jumping, or liftingweights may worsen the condition, but proper rest and anti-inflammatory drugsshould help. Strengthening exercises for the knee are also proven useful inthis syndrome.
Patellardislocation or dislocated kneecap is also another possible cause of knee pain. The treatment is immobilization ofthe knee and strengthening exercises during the recovery process.
Osteochondritisdissecans is characterized by formation of bone fragment within the knee. Itmight be the reason for very intense knee pain and swelling, or even somebigger knee problems. Surgery is the solution most doctors recommend for thistype of knee problem.
Juvenilerheumatoid arthritis, pain originating from the hip or spine, or even bone cancers may alsocause pain in the knees.
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