Introduction to kneecap pain
The kneecap and the knee in general are very vital parts of the human anatomy and are a necessary part of the leg for everyday movements that people do not even think about. Pain in the kneecap can come on slowly or it can be very sudden. Sometimes it can occur after a person has exercised, but sometimes the pain can show up out of nowhere and it disable a person, making them struggle through daily tasks and everyday movements that involve the leg.
Causes of kneecap pain
The knee itself is very intricate in the way that it is put together. It is constantly under a lot of stress as well and the body relies on the knees to keep it going all day, no matter what the activities are that a person is performing.
Most people do not think about the knee regularly and how important it is, but this fact becomes glaringly obvious when a person begins to feel pain in the knee that does not allow them to move normally anymore.
As a person gets older, the structural components of the knee, and many other parts of the body as well, tend to wear down. The kneecap especially can be subject to a lot of pressure during the day and it is one of the first parts of the leg that will people will notice deterioration in.
A common cause of pain to the kneecaps is trauma, or some serious injury of that area of the leg. Everyday activities that are otherwise health can put great pressure on the knee. For example, even though running is a great cardiovascular exercise that helps the body and the lungs and heart mostly, it can be very hard on the knees.
The kneecap can get dislocated with an impact injury or a faulty tracking mechanism. The pain of a dislocated kneecap will feel like a burning sensation in the knee.
It is also possible to injury the ligaments of the knee with overuse or with an injury of any type.
If the ligament is strained and is not allowed to heal, then a person risks even greater injuries, such as a complete tear of the ligament, which will probably require surgery to repair. Treatments
The best thing to do in order to prevent pain, burning sensations and a further injury of the knee is to wear a knee brace that will protect it and keep the kneecap in place.
In less serious cases, the tried and tested remedy of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) will be enough to get the knee back to normal, but if a ligament is torn or the knee bone is completely shattered, then a person will mostly likely have to have surgery to repair such serious damage to the knee.
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