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Remember Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck? Well, they are expecting their third baby, and Jennifer says the "first trimester is just yuck". She and her two year-old daughter also have some interesting things to say about her apparently growing bottom. Her appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, in which she shared her pregnancy confessions, was quite hilarious.

Of course, as a fertility and pregnancy blogger, I follow the latest news on these topics. I usually stay away from blogging about celebrities because they're pretty boring most of the time, but I loved Jennifer in the show Alias, and thought her previous pregnancy was worked into that show in a very clever way. Jennifer is one hot woman, and her husband Ben Affleck is pretty tasty too! Her two-year old daughter might not quite agree with that, though.

According to Jennifer, "her butt is big during pregnancy". Five year-old Violet was quoted by her mom as saying that she needed a talk with her mom, and said: "Mom, your bottom has gotten so big that your panties don't even begin to cover it." Of course, pregnancy weight gain can do just that to a woman, but Jennifer revealed this was not about weight gain: "I said, 'It's called a thong, you wear it when you're a grown up. She was like, 'Uh, that is so gross!"

Jennifer and Ben have been married for six years now. And because they have two daughters, they've been asked if they are hoping for a boy this time. That is one of those annoying questions most expectant parents of more than one baby of the same gender get, and Jennifer answered that a boy would be interesting but they're happy regardless of the baby's gender. Their daughters, apparently, are busy thinking up baby names... including Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck. Wonderful!

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