When a couple has been struggling for a long period of time trying to conceive, there are many emotional and physical issues which must be faced on a daily basis. When a couple experiences a diagnosis of infertility, it is heartbreaking and can make them feel like completely giving up on the dream of trying to conceive. Commonly couples will hear a response of try for a year and then come back , from fertility specialists. However, for a couple that is over 35 years of age, the year can seem like a daunting eternity and in some cases it is not necessary to wait for a year. Couples thinking about conceiving a baby and think there might be a problem may try to use fertility prediction kits, charting and other natural methods in order to become pregnant.
For those that have done all these things, there are a wide variety of different options available and speaking to a fertility specialist can make a difference. Usually, a woman s regular gynecologist will make a diagnosis of infertility, but it is not always the case. At times it can be the man s doctor that makes a diagnosis of fertility impairment and males are responsible for approximately 50% of all cases of infertility. After a diagnosis of infertility has been determined, a couple may be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist, an expert in the field of infertility treatment. No matter what the reasons are behind a couple experiencing an inability to get pregnant, infertility statistics point to a reason for hope.
Approximately 85-90% of couples that have been diagnosed as infertile will be able to be treated using conventional medical treatment, surgical repair and fertility drugs in order to conceive. Never giving up hope and keeping a positive attitude about infertility will allow a couple to face the challenges of infertility together and someday possibly be able to have their long dreamed of baby.
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