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Medical experts in most of the developed world are in agreement that infertility rates are on the rise. The United Kingdom is no different in this, with people who struggle to conceive a baby growing in number for years. What are the relevant infertility statistics? Where can you find more information? What are the leading causes of infertility in the United Kingdom? Let's take a look at all of these things.

When you are looking for relevant statistics on the internet, it soon becomes clear that the world wide web is very United States centered! Fortunately, there are plenty of UK specific resources as well. According to official estimates, infertility affects as many as in seven British couples. The majority of couples will still get pregnant within a year of starting to try for a baby around 84 percent. And as much as 92 percent of UK couples will succeed in conceiving within two years of starting on their journey to add a new member to their family.

Statistics show that British couples divide their chores equally, and infertility is no different in this matter around half of all diagnosed cases of infertility are caused by male fertility problems, and half by female infertility. One in five couples who experience trouble conceiving never get a specific diagnosis. Their infertility is classed as idiopathic without a known cause. Anovulation, not ovulating, is the leading cause of female infertility, and tubal problems are another frequent reason.

What's worrying is that chlamydia and PID are a common cause of female infertility too, especially since it is easily treatable. For those who are looking for more information about fertility clinic success rates in the UK, the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority, the HFEA, is the best source. They have all the relevant figures for you, relating to the exact treatment you are going to undergo.

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