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We usually believe that our indoors protect us from harmful air pollution emitted by the industry, exhaust gases, smog etc. However, this is only true to a certain extent. However, we need to take care of several other matters before we can really be sure that the quality of our indoor air is good enough for us to breathe it safely.

The Air Pollution We Breathe

Physical, biological and chemical factors, all contribute to decreased quality of the air we breathe indoors. Since we spend quite some time at our homes, while we are sleeping or enjoying our leisure time, we get exposed to different pollutants and expose our health to danger since around 50% of all illnesses are triggered by air pollutants. In fact, we have 10% chances of catching a cold outside, while indoors these chances skyrocket to 90%.

Air Pollutants around Us

Speaking of outdoor air pollutants, we need to mention fossil fuels which are turned into harmful gases during combustion, being the major environmental pollutant. On the other hand, inside our homes, we need to fear other pollutants. Biomass fuels, coals, sprays, chemicals, construction materials along with cigarette smoke, mold, pollen, aerosol, polishes, paints, asbestos and numerous other culprits present the army of indoor pollutants. Basically, all the things we use inside our home, or get in contact with, are capable of causing us harm. However, out of the whole lot, burning biomass fuels used for heating or cooking represent the greatest threat for one's health.

How Are We Affected?

Logically, indoor air pollutants initially attack our respiratory system. Therefore, due to exposure to indoor pollutants, we are likely to experience headaches, tiredness, runny nose, eye irritation and allergic reactions. Moreover, the same triggers cause asthma in almost all children suffering from this respiratory disease. Taking into consideration that 10% of US children suffers from asthma, it is easy to notice the impact of pollution onto our health and the health of our children.

What Can We Do?

First and foremost, we need to keep our indoors well ventilated and full of fresh air. Additionally, it is best to grow many plants inside the house. Next, you are advised to use air purifiers which will take care of smoke and other air pollutants. Finally, the main change needs to stem from you and your healthy, self-preserving life.

All in all, the threat is real and indoor pollution exposure, in the long run, can lead to many terminal illnesses. Thus, stay healthy and take good care of the air you breathe inside your home.

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