It is obvious that reducing extra weight with exercising and dieting is not easy. It requires some sacrifice and a lot of mental strength from a person. Some people often fail in this process and go back to their starting weight, or even worse, they gain some more. Of course, there are also those who are able to withstand training sessions and controlled eating and they end up with strong, slim and attractive bodies. Or do they?
The abdominal area is one of the toughest to change when it comes to fat reduction and muscle strengthening, mostly due to the fact that this is the place where fat accumulates more than in most of the other parts of the body. The skin layers of the abdomen can build up several inches of fat, as a form of getting prepared for starvation period, which never comes. So, after many months of diet and exercise, and all the abdominal fat is gone, the abdominal area will not look perfect, not with all that saggy loose skin sagging around. Now what can be done to tighten stomach skin?
For those who do not have money problems, tummy tuck surgery is an obvious solution. But the majority of people do not have that kind option, so there is a more natural way, to consider. First of all, when losing weight, it is always smart to do it gradually because that will give the skin time to adjust and to shorten slowly. When a lot of weight is lostin a short time, that simply leaves skin unprepared for changes.
There are some exercises that should be used in order to reduce the skin on the stomach. Some say that yoga has several positions that are perfect for this task. Cobra abdominal position is one of those – it is done by laying on the floor, face down with hands at shoulder level. Arms are used for lifting up, into the upper position. Back should be curled back as much as possible, but very slowly. This should be done ten times and it has to be used with the maximum effort to extend the abdominal area, which will, of course, affect the stomach skin too. Another yoga position is Dog position, similar to Cobra but with one difference, the entire body is held up by the palms and feet, similar to a push up.
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