More Than Meets the Eye
Even though many people believe thatpanic attacks are clearly visible and identifiable, manifestingthrough outbursts of screams, breathing difficulties and other,uncontrollable behavior, this is not always the case. Many timespeople experience panic attacks through mood swing, aggressive orinappropriate behavior, asthma attacks or many other, different fits.Therefore, people who are prone to the above mentioned outburstsshould all know that there is a large possibility that they aresuffering from panic attacks and some other anxiety disorders.Subsequently, people who witness these behavioral problems in theirloved ones should look further into it and try to find the best wayto help their suffering friend or person they are close to.
Why Do Panic Attacks Take Place?
First of all, this phenomenon isclosely connected to our brain's false assumption of an ongoingtrouble. Namely, a panic attack is triggered by our brains center foremotions, since it thinks that we are in a life-threateningsituation. Then, it releases adrenalin into our organism, it speedsup the blood flow and increases the heart rate, sending all our bloodinto our muscles, so as to help us deal with the wrongly interpreted“fight-or-flight” situation. However, in order for the blood toflow in this manner, we need oxygen which we get by breathing.Unfortunately, panic attacks make us breathe in more air than weneed. This leads our organism to a situation where there are bothoxygen and carbon dioxide in excess, creating a need to expel themboth. For these reasons, our panic attacks are followed withbreathing difficulties getting worse as long as we breathe more thanwe need to.
Additionally, during a panic attack, aperson may faint, experience nausea, dizziness, feel life-threatened, and go through numerous uncomfortable fits.
How To Stop an Ongoing Panic Attack?
The first thing you can do, once yourealize that you are experiencing a panic attack is hold your breath.This will prevent hyperventilation, which is known to only makethings worse. Alternatively, you can try breathing from a paper bag.This way, you will return all the lost carbon dioxide into your bodyand re-establish the lost balance in your organism.
Next, taking into consideration thatpanic attacks strike you while you are actually calm, you may stopthem by indulging into physical exercises. Start running, climb thestairs, or do some similar, physically demanding actions whilebreathing through your nose.
Finally, you can stop your panicattacks by starting to breathe slowly. However you need to do thisgradually so as not to shock your organism further. First, try torelax, and then inhale for about 5 to 7 seconds. Once doing that,exhale for the same period. This will tell your brain that you are inno life-threatening situation, stopping the fight-or-flight mode youwere put in.
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