Anxiety or Panic AttacksCharacteristics
Anxiety or panic attacks are the problems of many people around the globe. Being triggered predominantly by stress, even though there are many factors which can cause them, these reoccurring attacks can truly make one's life a living hell since they can strike wherever and whenever. As for the attacks themselves, they manifest through sudden bouts of extraordinary fear which makes one incapable of breathing correctly, coordinating his/her body movements, or think straight. All in all, it is quite an unwanted state. The worst thing is the lack of consistency with these attacks. Namely, while some people experience anxiety attacks when exposed to phobias, other experience them randomly. What is more, their randomness may influence their length and severity as well. Thus, you might suffer from a panic attack for several seconds, while the condition may trouble you for more than half an hour next time. Thus you need to learn how to fight these strange, troublesome fits and enable yourself to live a peaceful and serene life.
How To Deal With Anxiety/Panic Attacks?
The first crucial thing is breathing deeply. Once a panic attack strikes, you will start hyperventilating, which will trigger the lack of oxygen in your body and the overwhelming presence of carbon dioxide. Then, in order to re-establish the balance, you need to calm down, and slowly increase your oxygen intake. This process will help you cope with panic attacks much better. As for the terrors which go hand-in-hand with these attacks, you are best to divert your mind from thinking about anything troublesome. Rather, you should momentarily imagine something that calms you and makes you satisfied. You need to find a technique which works for you, since, unless you do, the attacks will keep coming.
Some people fight their panic attacks by lying in bed, closing their eyes and listening to soothing music. On the other hand, some people reduce their coffee or alcohol intake in order to stop these attacks from taking place. Either way, you need to reorganize your lifestyle in order to remove or, at least, reduce the appearance of panic attacks in your life.
One thing is for sure, talking helps. You need to find a person to which you can open up and tell everything that bothers you and triggers your anxiety attacks. Then, you will feel the support of that person and you will be calmer and self-confident.
There are many counseling agencies, group therapies and other activities of this type which can help you through cooperation with people suffering from the same problem you do. Finally, if all else fails, you might opt for some anti-anxiety drugs which your doctor can prescribe you.
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