There is a saying that curiosity killed a cat once. However, this may be more suitable for their eternal nemesis, dogs. Dogs are naturally very curious and tend to enter dangerous situations without thinking. They are also known to chew on whatever crosses their path as well as to eat most of the things not edible at the first place. Being such, they are in constant danger of poisoning themselves by eating substances which might kill them or make them seriously sick. Their caretakers and owners can also cause difficulties if they feed dogs with unsuitable food or if they, perhaps, apply an anti-flee medicine incorrectly. There are many situations in which our beloved pet may be exposed to poisonous substances and it is important to recognize them if they happen and act immediately.
Changes in the dog's usual behavior may be the best clue that something is wrong. Lack of interest, lethargy, loss of appetite and similar behavioral patterns, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and internal bleeding are all possible signs of poisoning.
Because there is such a large amount of symptoms, it is hard to pinpoint the exact substance which is causing the poisoning. However, by informing about all the different symptoms different substances may have, it is easier to rule out other and to find the one threatening the life of you pet.
Lead poisoning is probably the most usual case. This may take place if the dog chews on materials which are coated with lead based paint or substances. Pesticides and other chemicals used for protecting one's garden usually contain this poisonous element and may get in touch with your pet's food or water thus exposing the dog to those.
Another common cause of this unfortunate situation is antifreeze. This substance most people use in their cars, and if there is a certain malfunction causing leaking or if the owner leaves an open bottle of the antifreeze somewhere where the dog might reach it, the pet might get poisoned by eating this sweet smelling, poisonous liquid.
Having in mind that many things we eat and drink such as chocolate, garlic, various fruit seeds, carbonated drinks and many others are not healthy for dogs to eat, keep your trashcan closed at all times.
Many chemicals used to kill insects or pests like rats, snails, flies and such can be deadly for your dog so pay attention that it is not exposed to them in any way.
In any cases of dog poisoning, it is best and safest to take the dog to a veterinarian immediately instead of trying to heal it on your own. There are antidotes for certain poisons and there are substances which can reverse the poisoning process but it is best to ask for a professional opinion before taking any risky steps.
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