Acne on the back
Acne on the back, or as they are sometimes wittily referred to as the “bacne”, most frequently occur on the person’s back, upper arms, as well as the person’s buttocks. They appear as a direct consequence of the clogging of skin pores in the above mentioned areas of the body. The clogging itself occurs once the excessive quantities of the sebum get produced, which happens as a direct result of the hyperactive sebaceous glands. And in most cases, this coincides exactly with that moment in time when a person is determined to start caring much more about his/her looks. It figures. The period referred to is, of course, the puberty.
Once the skin pores get blocked by too great quantities of oil, i.e. the sebum, those skin cells that have no life in them anymore, somehow, also get stuck at that very same place. And it is exactly that this kind of havoc makes the perfect calling card for bacteria to come into play. The next thing you know it, you are stuck with acne outbreak.
One aggravating circumstance directly related to bacne is the fact that they tend to appear exactly in the part of the body that is by far the one with most sebaceous glands, thus making this condition far more serious than when it occurs on other parts of the person’s body. In addition, the skin on the back is also much thicker and this only makes the treatment much harder and more difficult to perform with utmost success. Having the culprits in mind, it is unfortunately still unclear as to whether bacne appear due to excess of stress, genetic predispositions or hormones. It might be each and every one of them, and it might as well be none of them. Whichever way it goes, no substantial evidence have yet been discovered.
How to break free from bacne?
One of the most effective ways to get rid of them is by washing regularly and by employing a variety of anti-bacterial soaps that best suits your skin and your needs. Do the washing up at least twice a day, but do not exaggerate since this can lead to unwanted skin irritation. In addition, the moment you finish up with any physical activity, it is essential to hit the shower and put an end to excessive perspiration. Furthermore, daily exfoliation is regarded as another essential prerequisite for keeping bacne at bay.
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