Insomnia affects millions of people all over the globe and some statistics claim that about 25% of all adults on the planet have sleeping problems. Depression and stress are two main causes of insomnia, but there are numerous things that may cause sleeping troubles.
Types of insomnia
Doctors differentiate several types of insomnia. Some people may have problems to fall asleep when they go to bed while others usually fall asleep without any trouble, but they tend to wake up extremely easily and early, too. Another type of insomnia is diagnosed in people who may but don’t have to have problems with falling asleep, but they all wake up many times during the nighttime. Also, depending on the duration of the sleeping problems, insomnia could be transient, when lasting for less than one week, short term problem (lasting 1 to 4 weeks) or chronic issue, where patients have symptoms for over a month.
What to Do?
The first important thing is to make sure you sleep at the same time every single night, regardless what is happening. Keep trying to go to bed at the same time and you will soon experience much better sleep than you are used to. Your bedroom should be well ventilated and the temperature shouldn’t be too warm or too cold. Temperature changes are also found to affect normal sleep, so keep this in mind when fighting against insomnia. Bedroom should also be kept dark, if you want to sleep without any interference from the outside.
Try some deep breathing techniques before bedtime, for these are proven to help many insomnia patients to fall asleep much faster. For those of you into the music, some soothing sounds may be really great. Many times some soothing music has caused deep relaxation and induced sleep in people who had sleeping troubles. Some Things You Should Avoid
Certain substances are found to be stimulants of your brain and therefore, not to be used in people suffering from insomnia. Caffeine is the first thing on the list and it is often found in colas, chocolate and tea. Avoid these products and you might feel and sleep better. Diet pills, nicotine and alcohol are also bad for anyone dealing with insomnia and these are not something you should use.
Be careful what and how you eat and avoid eating several hours before bedtime. Give you stomach the chance to process the food at least 2 to 3 hours before sleep.
Stay away from day napping and keep your laptop away from your bedroom – these two things may sound simple, yet they are efficient remedies for anyone who can’t sleep well.
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