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Sleeping Problems

Expecting moms shouldn’t worry that there is something very wrongwith them if they can’t sleep. This is extremely common problem and someresearches found out that about 78% of all pregnant women had some troubles withsleeping.

Although it is not serious problem, many women feelexhausted without proper amount of sleep. Hormonal changes and physical changesyour body is faced with may be the cause of your sleeping problems in pregnancy.You might have back pain, heartburn or increased urinary frequency and all theseproblems can affect your sleeping pattern. Expect some sleeping troubles withthe abdomen getting bigger every day and all-day-round morning sickness. Some pregnantwomen may experience lucid dreams, while others may have headaches and dizziness.Pregnancy may also bring nervousness so in certain cases moms-to-be may becomevery easily irritated.

Sleep Better while Pregnant

Try to include some physical activity or exercise into yourdaily schedule. Exercising during the day, several hours before bedtime mayhelp your body to relax better and fall to sleep much easier. These activities shouldn’tbe something very hard or demanding, because too much adrenaline will also keepyou awake at night.

Warm bath before the bed or some gentle massage may also behelpful for any pregnant woman having sleeping problems. Try listening to somecalming music, sounds of the waves or heartbeats, because these are proven tohelp sometimes. Turn off all telephones and use earplugs, if there are somebothering sounds around you.

Choose the appropriate mattress for your bed. You need toget some quality sleep and the mattress should therefore be firm andcomfortable. If it’s not, you could wake up with back or neck pains orsomething even more serious. Adjust the room temperature as well. You won’tsleep if it is too warm or too cold in your bedroom, so keep an eye on the thermometer.Sometimes, all you need is little bit of fresh air. In that case, if possibleleave the window open over night.

Back pain may prevent sleep. Try to sleep on the side, with pillowsbetween the legs and under the belly. Some suggest sleeping only on the leftside, but if you are comfortable, you can shift different positions except thoseon the stomach. Avoid sleeping on the back, since it can cause digestive andrespiratory problems and affect your blood pressure and circulation. These mayalso affect the heart and cause some problems to your unborn child.

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