Ear Wax – Good and Bad
Ear wax located in our ears serves a purpose. It is there in order to protect our ears from the any foreign bodies which might enter it. Namely, once an unwanted substance gets inside our ear, the tiny hairs and the wax itself will prevent it from advancing into our middle and inner ear. Thus, this oily substance does us good. However, even though any excess of ear wax is supposed to get expelled naturally, it is sometimes not so. Moreover, excessive ear wax may even jeopardize our hearing and potentially cause eardrum damage. For all these reasons, we need to clean our ears often, removing the extra wax from it. Nevertheless, this action needs to be done properly, since, if we do not know how to clean our ears correctly, we might just push the extra wax deeper in our ear, making things worse.
Proper Ear Wax Removal Methods
The best way to keep your ears clean is by using cotton swabs. You need to be careful not to place them too deep inside your ear, since, this way, you might cause either physical damage to the delicate structures inside or cause abnormalities in the pressure, creating problems as well. Thus, it is best to be gentle and use soft swabs. Also, clean the outer parts rather than jabbing the swab inside your ear. All in all, if you clean your ears regularly, by using this method, you will be safe from excessive wax since it will not have time to pile up. However, some people consider cotton swabs dangerous and potentially risky and thus avoid them, causing their ear wax to harden and become problematic. For these people, there are alternative ear wax removal methods as well.
Removing Hard Ear Wax from Ears
First of all, you need to soften the stiff ear wax. This can be done with baby oil and ear drops. All you need are these two and a dropper. Then, stand above the sink, protecting your clothes with a towel on your shoulders, and place 2 drops of baby oil in each ear of yours. After doing this, add the ear drops in the same quantity. You may need to repeat this for several days until the wax loses its grip.
Once you soften the wax, water comes next. You need water which is the same temperature as you body is. Fill your dropper with it and stand above the sink with your problematic ear facing the ceiling. Pour all the water into the ear, until you feel that it is full. Then, turn your head the other way, so as to expel all the water and wax from your ear. Repeat until successful. After accomplishing your goals and expelling the extra wax from your ears, make sure you dry the area using either your towel or a hair dryer.
If you fail with this method, seek medical attention, since there are several other things which can be done, including irrigation and currete technique.
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