Every third adult person in the United States suffers from the high blood pressure, the records of the American Heart Association (AHA) show. It is a whooping figure of more than 70 million people, without teens or children included. And even now, some cases of hypertension remain undiagnosed.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a medical condition where an individual has blood pressure above 120/80 mm Hg. There are categories of blood pressure, so the one of 120/80 or under is considered normal blood pressure, above 120/80 to 130/89 is pre-hypertension and a140/90 or higher is high blood pressure (top number is called systolic and the bottom number is diastolic pressure).
Hypertension must be treated, because it presents a risk for developing heart, kidneys and eyes problems. Also, high blood pressure causes atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis and stroke, which leads to damage of the brain tissue. Untreated chronic hypertension is responsible for these end-organdamages.
Homeopathy in Hypertension
The most used homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure are: aurum, lachesis and belladonna.
This homeopathic remedy is recommended to be used in patients who have weakened valves, loss of flexibility and arteriosclerosis. Also, it is beneficial to hypertension patients who experience sudden increase of blood supply to the chest, heart, severe headaches, night pains or angina. Homeopathy values psychological symptoms same as physiological. That’s why this discipline knows that the patients might feel hopeless, be depressed or have suicidal ideas.
Alcohol, cold weather, winter and daytime worsen the symptoms of hypertension in these patients. Relaxation and warming up have a soothingeffect.
High blood pressure characterized with these symptoms might be caused by uterus problems, menopause, and sometimes personal loss andgrief.
Belladonna is used in hypertension patients who are hypersensitive, with red and hot face and dilated pupils. In some cases, patients experience throbbing headache. Rage and anger worsen the condition, as well as the menopause, pregnancy and strenuous physical or mental efforts. Pain is worst at night or when the patients are exposed to the sun.
Patients with red, flushed face and hypersensitivity could be treated with lachesis. Lachesis patients have heart beat problems, muscle tremor and body trembling, bruising and constriction in the chest or the head. Sometimes, the condition may be followed by suffocation feeling in the sleep. Psychological symptoms include: jealousy, suspicion and very talkative mood.
The condition usually gets worse once the patient wakes up. Exposure to the heat or the sun has the same aggravating effect. Some women experience the worsening of the symptoms just before the menstruation. In these cases condition improves significantly when the bleeding starts.
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