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Deep vein thrombosis, or, abbreviated,“DVT” is a disease present in our world and society more than wewould want it to be.

In todays busy world, where peopletravel by means of airplanes and buses daily, these travels beinglong and often endured by sitting only and lacking physical movement,this illness is more present than ever. Most cases of it occurringare connected to airplane trips in the first place.

It is important to know the symptomsand causes of DVT in order to act timely and avoid or suppress thisillness.

Target groups for DVT are not limitedto those suffering from other chronic diseases or older people;perfectly healthy people, even those doing sports and exercisingregularly can be in danger of having this illness. People who havediabetes or those who have a history of DVT in their family alongwith obese people all share the possibility of suffering fromthrombosis at some part of their life. However, healthy people whotravel by airplanes a lot are in no less risk. That being said, oneof the best cures is getting informed about DVT itself and itssymptoms.

Doing exercise during long travels mayhelp since pumping blood and raising the pulse is always a secure wayto keep our veins “clean”. Preventing dehydration is crucial, soavoid excessive drinking of coffee and/or alcohol and concentratemore on intaking sufficient amount of water.

Eating healthy food before long trips,especially fish with some lemon is known to drastically reduce dangerfrom getting this illness.

As far as medications are concerned,nattokinase in capsules is just the thing. Nattokinase is an enzymeisolated from boiled and fermented soybeans, known to help bloodvessels functioning right reducing the danger of clots being made inthe blood vessels. However, those already using some blood thinnersor other blood conditioning medications should not combine thismedication with any of them.

Cod-liver oil is known to be good forour vascular system so a tablespoon daily is highly recommended alongwith vitamin E.

Herbs which help dealing with DVT orpreventing it from ever appearing are horse chestnut, world famousGinkgo biloba, garlic and butcher's broom.

Lemon is always a good ingredient and anatural blood thinner, so before, or during trips, eat them fresh,drink lemon juices or simply order a lemonade when thirsty duringflight.

By learning about a certain disease, we can realize how easy it actually is to prevent it, so, information beingthe best cure, use the things you learn to live a DVT-free life.

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