Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)and the main causes
Deep vein thrombosis is a condition that happens when ablood clot forms in one of the deep veins, which pass through the center ofeach leg, and it most usually affects the lower calf. The cause ofdeep vein thrombosis may practically be any cause that prevents normal andproper circulation or clotting of the blood, and people who are more prone tothis condition are those who spend a lot of time sitting, either because oftheir job, or because of the inability to move. The same goes for people whohave to stay in the hospital for a longer period, those who have inherited certainblood-clotting disorder, and those who have a pacemaker or history of heartfailure or pulmonary embolism.
Conditions such as pregnancy, obesity, and cancermay also increase the chances for the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis, aswell as the use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy andsmoking. This condition may even be dangerous, since many complications arepossible, particularly pulmonary embolism, which happens when the blood clot reachesthe lungs once it breaks loose. As for the treatment, there are several optionsand they include the use of blood thinners and the so-called clotbusters, or thedoctor may also recommend the insertion of filters and use of compressionstockings. Still, in some cases it is also possible that this condition disappearson its own.
Main symptoms of deepvein thrombosis
As for the symptoms, in a huge number of cases none of them ispresent or noticeable. Still, once they occur, they are usually concentrated onthe affected area and they may include swelling, tenderness, pain that usuallybegins in a way that resembles cramping, redness and warmth to the touch. Theyusually occur in cases when the clots are larger, and thus the vein is blockedeither partially or completely, and they do require medical attention.
When speaking about the symptoms, it should be mentionedthat the symptoms that indicate pulmonary embolism, one of the most seriouscomplications of this condition, are shortness of breath that is experienced allof a sudden, pain in the chest that tends to worsen when a person tries to takea deep breath, coughing up blood, and fainting or dizziness. These signs also requireimmediate medical attention, and ignoring them may have fatal consequences.
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