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We cannot imagine moving our body or making even atiny movement with any body part without using our muscles. Since they areconstantly used, they are susceptible to various injuries and overuse as well. Thereis no person who has never experienced pain in some of the numerous muscles inthe body.

Hip flexor

Hip flexor is a group of muscles that enables us tomove our hips. Due to them, we can move our hips forward either when walking orrunning. Since the muscles cope with a lot of stress, the pain that occurs inthem is almost inevitable. The three muscles comprise hip flexors and these musclesare rectus femoris, illiacus and psoas major. Due to the coordination of thesethree muscles, the stability of the legs is achieved. In most cases, the hipflexor is not the one that makes a problem, but the inflexible hip joint. The people who are engaged in some kind of sport mayfrequently suffer from pain in the hip flexor since they tend to make a lotof pressure on it and also to overuse it.

Causes hip flexor pain

Overuse of the muscles that comprise the hipflexor, acute trauma and pulled hip flexor muscle are the prime causes for theincidence of the hip flexor pain. Furthermore, it is considered thatwhen one is physically inactive, it leads to the tightness of the hip flexor andits inflexibility, which makes it more susceptible to an injury. Hip flexor pain is also caused by theweakness of the muscles in the lower abdomen which, due to their weakness,cannot stabilize the pelvis so that the hip flexor muscles bear the pressureand become overworked.

Symptoms of hip flexor pain

The strain of the hip flexor muscles typically leads to the appearance of thepain which can be felt on the front side of the hip. Sometimes, this pain mayspread downwards toward the thighs. When one with this condition attempts tolift the knee towards the chest, the pain becomes even worse. Sometimes, simply daily activitiescan be hardly performed due to hip flexor pain, and one will even find walking to be troublesome and very painful. This can be quite distressing for those who areused to regular exercising since they have to avoid sport activities until thepain passes. Other symptoms that usually accompany hipflexor pain are bruising, muscle spasm and very rarely swelling.

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