The primary culprit
Though many think that for each yeast infection there exists a different culprit, the truth is that at the core of most yeast infections there lies only one, that being candida albicans. What should be known is that the afore mentioned organism is actually present in every person’s body, but in rather small amounts and is not dangerous. But during particular conditions, there can occur a rather intense reaction of this organism, and that in turn marks the onset of a yeast infection. When this happens, the yeast in questions becomes hyper active, especially when reproduction is concerned, which further leads to the occurrence of a great number of awkward side effects and symptoms. The most fertile areas in the body, which yeast absolutely adores, are the warm and moist ones.
If we take the vagina, and the area it occupies, the rampant spreading of the yeast (and infection respectively) can be initiated and added up by just about any factor that causes the disruption of balance in the number of bacteria, as well as the upset in the pH balance in vagina. Among other most common factors that can disrupt the vaginal biochemical balance are wearing extremely tight jeans or underwear made of synthetic materials for quite some time. Changes in balance can be also initiated during such states as pregnancy, when a sudden change in hormone levels make a woman in question more prone and vulnerable to the number of infections, especially yeast infection. Also, the women which suffer from diabetes should be especially careful, since they are at a far greater risk of developing this infection than other women are.
Role of the immune system
Just like with any illness and infection, the condition and the strength of a person’s immune system is crucial for the successful battling and warding off health hazardous conditions as those mentioned above. The least favorable for the immune system are excessive stress, various illnesses, and not getting enough sleep. All these factors contribute to the weakening of our immune system and make us a lot more vulnerable to diseases than usual.
Advice and remedies
Aside from natural remedies, such as various herbs and teas, women should also pay attention to what kind of clothes they wear. Therefore, it is crucial for them to avoid synthetic fabrics and wear only such underwear made from cotton, since it reduces the risk of yeast infection occurrence, as well as worsening of the already present one. One word of warning - all women who suffer from yeast infections should avoid having intercourse of any kind, since this can worsen the yeast infection and additionally irritate the vagina, which is already under the influence of inflammation. Furthermore, it is vital to have a proper diet, primarily natural in origin, because consuming the proper type of food can often be so beneficial, that it can make the yeast infection leave the body on its own.
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