Vitiligo is the skin disorder which is characterized by the occurrence of the lighter parts than the colour of the skin that look like stains. This condition is, in fact, the gradual decrease of the melanin, which comes from the pigment cells. Related to that, the person who suffers from this disorder shouldn’t stay under the sun for a long time, of course. Actually, the affected area are exposed to the sunlight without any protection, and in the case of over exposing to the sunlight, there can be some very serious consequences, although this disorder is not itself considered as dangerous.
The most pointed out characteristics of vitiligo are that it usually appears on the skin areas that are not covered with hair follicles (since those regions contain a bigger amount of created melanin), that it can appear in any age and that it is prone to spread on the nearby areas.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of possible causes that can lead to vitiligo. The most common cause is alopecia (the loss of the hair from the scalp area, in men), but also the significant factors are the disorders of the digestive system. So, the disorders that can lead to the problem are, in fact, the conditions of the decreased absorption of the substances with the nutritive values, which we introduce with drinks and foods. For example, the impoverishment of the gastric acids is the cause of the mal absorption, diabetes (because it is a disorder of metabolic nature), and overactive thyroid gland. Also, the digestive disorder called pernicious anemia can lead to vitiligo, since its main characteristic is the lacking of the vitamin B-12.
But, fortunately, these absorption-related problems can be solved with the herbal treatments. The acid supplementations (for example hydrochloric acid) are commonly recommended, especially because f their characteristic of encouraging the process of digestion. But, the hydrochloric acid mustn’t be consumed for a long period of time, because it can irritate the stomach heavily.
Of course, it is good to introduce the consumption of the natural and more valuable acids, such as apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that they must be consumed only as the supplements in the carefully created diet. For example, it is advisable to take one tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar before every meal.
The supplements of the B-complex vitamins are highly recommendable in treating this condition, and they should be used for a longer periods of time.
And finally, leading a healthy lifestyle, which means paying the attention on eating and doing exercises, will always help the digestion and the metabolic processes, thus helping the treatment of vitiligo.
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