Introduction to apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple juice and it has many health benefits, since apples are generally known as being very healthy foods.
Even though many people have reported great health benefits of apple cider vinegar, there has been no real research to back up these claims. However, there are also some side effects that people have reported when using it in their cooking.
Even though it is made naturally, apple cider vinegar is still chemically an acid, therefore, it is not very strange that some people have noticed certain side effects that come with consuming it. Side effects
Some people have reported that apple cider vinegar corrodes the tooth enamel, especially when it is consumed in its raw form.
In order to protect the mouth from such side effects, people should rinse with cold water right after consuming apple cider vinegar.
It is also important to rinse before brushing the teeth, because if a person brushes the teeth while there is still some apple cider vinegar on the teeth, there could be further damage caused to the enamel.
Other people have reported that the use of apple cider vinegar can lower potassium levels in the body.
People who consume a lot of it on a regular basis have been shown to have symptoms of osteoporosis occur later on. This is because potassium is very important for bone density, therefore people who have problems that are related to the bones and specifically, the strength of the bones, should probably avoid using apple cider vinegar regularly.
Side effects on the skin have also been noticed. Since apple cider vinegar is an acid, the raw form of the liquid can irritate and damage the skin if it comes in direct contact with it.
This is why people are not advised to consume the raw form, because the concentration of acid is a lot greater in such instances.
If a person is taking apple cider vinegar tablets, then it is very important to drink a lot of water along with the pills.
There have also been side effects noticed when apple cider vinegar interacts with certain drugs.
Bumetanide, furosemide, chlorothiazide, chlorthakidone, metolazine and ethracrynic acid are some substances that should not be mixed with apple cider vinegar under any circumstances.
People who have diabetes should be very careful when taking apple cider vinegar, because, it contains chromium, which can have an effect on the insulin levels found in the body.
Also, women that are pregnant should stay away from apple cider vinegar completely, as well as those who are nursing. This is related to the acidity of the substance, which will not be good for the baby in any instance.
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