Apple Cider Vinegar as a Remedy
Apple cidervinegar is a natural remedy that can be used to relieve the suffering caused byacid reflux and heartburn, two very widespread afflictions that usually requireprescription medication to treat.
Manyminerals such as phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, potassium, calcium,copper, iron, and fluorine can be found in apple cider vinegar, and they arepartly the explanation how the vinegar combats bacteria, and what makes it such a positivetreatment for acid reflux.
Benefits and Information
While itmight appear illogical that a substance such as apple cider vinegar can helptreat acid reflux, the apple cider vinegar helps treating both acid reflux and heartburnmore effectively than some antacid medicaments. The vinegar acidity actuallyhelps alleviate the burning and nausea caused by acid reflux. Besides this,apple cider vinegar assists the stomach in digesting by mimicking the level ofacid in the stomach. Problems can sometimes be caused by the lack of stomachacids, in which case traditional antacid medication actually makes matters worse.
The bestmethod of use for apple cider vinegar for acid reflux control involves eithermaking the vinegar or purchasing it in raw form. Natural apple cider vinegar is createdfrom organically grown apples, which have been aged and crushed into cider. Itsappearance is that of a brownish yellow liquid, and the healthy properties areall contained within a stringy glob that floats in the liquid, and is known asthe ’’mother of vinegar’’.
The most effectiveway of taking apple cider vinegar is in the liquid form that possesses the ’’mother’’enzyme, and therefore it is recommended shaking the bottle before ingesting, sothat the mother mixes well with the liquid. The method of ingestion involvestaking a tablespoon of vinegar before every meal. To remove the unpleasanttaste, options include mixing the liquid with sugar, or mixing it with saladdressing or hot water. Apple cidervinegar is also available in tablet and capsule form, though the liquid form isdeemed more effective. In the case of an upset stomach, reducing the number oftablespoons taken is allowed.
Resultscome within a few days of following the mentioned regime.
Side Effects and Precaution
Thenegative side effects of apple cider vinegar include an upset stomach,worsening heartburn and a thinning of the blood, but these cases are mild andrare. If any blood thinners are also taken in the same time as apple cidervinegar, it is advised to cease taking the vinegar immediately.
Any personswishing to consume apple cider vinegar for reflux treatment are suggested tofirst check with their doctor. It is also important to note that naturaltreatment such as apple cider vinegar should not replace any prescribedmedication without specific instruction by a doctor.
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