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Motion sickness happens as a result of the mixed signals which are sent to the brain from the various parts of the body while traveling. Any kind of travel can set it off – bus, car, train or plane. The first signs of motion sickness are simply paleness, weariness, cold sweat and slight discomfort in the stomach. However, as they advance, they become more intense and the lightheadedness increases, as well as the stomach pain, and they may eventually result in vomiting.

The prime solution in dealing with nausea or any sickness of the kind has always been ginger. Its main ingredient gingerol, which is known to be a spice of strong flavor, is said to be the best solution for motion sickness. While this may be unpleasant for some people, if they suffer from motion sickness, they should really try to surpass the repulsion as it is far more effective than any pharmaceutical drugs which are used with that purpose. Not only that, but it is also devoid from all the uncomfortable side effects which may occur when taking drugs to reduce motion sickness, such as heart trembling, dizziness and lethargy.

The way ginger deals with motion sickness is by absorbing all the toxins and stomach acids. That way it reduces its effects to the digestive system.

There are various forms in which ginger can be inserted into the organism. Choosing any of these ways will be equally helpful.

First of these is ginger tea, an energizing and revitalizing mixture of ginger root, lemon juice, peppermint and water. It is best to drink a cup of it about half an hour before the trip, but making sure to bring some is a good safety measure for symptoms might reappear sometime during the trip. Even though it’s fine to drink it cold as well, to take the most advantage possible of it, it should be drunk hot.

Another way to drink ginger is in the form of ginger ale. This is a sweetened soft drink flavored with ginger which includes raspberry leaf, carbonated and the plain water and a little lemon juice, and it is quite easy to prepare.

If these ways of preparing for a motion sickness-free trip sound like something of a bore, there is a possibility to find gingerol in the form of a capsule in health food stores. Taking one capsule half an hour before the trip in order to have enough time for its effect to kick in, and taking two capsules per four hours should do the trick.

However, if any of the symptoms seem a bit too extreme, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, since they may not be caused only by motion sickness after all.

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