Information on Eczema
Eczema is a medical condition which can be characterized asa chronic skin disorder. It is also sometimes referred to as infantile eczema,atopic dermatitis and atopic eczema. It usually involves skin rashes,itchiness, redness, scaling and dryness of the skin. Some cases of eczema mayalso involve the development of blister which may also be crusting or oozing.Eczema commonly affects the knees, elbows and the cheeks of a person. Itaffects infants more than it affects adults, but it may still reoccur inadulthood especially if the person is under stress or is exposed to chemicalirritants and allergens. Adults usually suffer from eczema behind the knees oron the inner elbow. Those who suffer from eczema are commonly surrounded byfamily members who suffer from eczema as well, and in some cases also hay feveror asthma.
Natural Remedies for Eczema
Eczema can be treated fairly easily with certain types ofnatural remedies. The first such method discussed here are probiotics.Probiotics are a good type of bacteria. They are microbial organisms whichoccur naturally in the digestive tract of humans. Probiotics are very efficientin suppressing the growth of harmful types of bacteria, influencing thefunctioning of the immune system and strengthening the entire digestive tract. Pregnantand breastfeeding women also may use probiotics in the form of supplementsbecause they have a very positive effect on the babies. Numerous scientificstudies have shown that the use of probiotics in supplemental form maysignificantly reduce the incidence of eczema in infants. Probiotics may be veryefficient in preventing eczema, but they may also come in very handy when itcomes to treating an already existing eczema in children and infants. This maybe applied especially in children who are sensitized to food allergens. Thestrain of probiotics which is used for the treatment of eczema most commonly iscalled Lactobacillus GG. There are also other types of strains and those includeprobiotic galacto-oligosaccharides, Bifidobacteria lactis, Lactobacillus reuteri,Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum VRI-033 PCC. One shouldalways consult a doctor before using probiotics for the treatment of eczema.There are also numerous different types of herbal gels and creams made fromherbal extract such as witch hazel, licorice or chamomile. These are designedto be applied topically on the affected areas of the skin. One should alwaysconsult a doctor before using such gels and creams for the treatment of eczema.
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