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Eczema is a skin disorder that is characterized by changes on the skin in the form of vesicles. After some time, vesicles burstand later on, desquamation happens. There are several types of eczema andtherefore, there are different methods of the treatment.

Types of eczema

Allergic eczema is an inflammation process of the skin causedby the immunological reaction that was caused by certain allergens. Allergens aredifferent but mostly those are some local antibiotics (cream form), localanesthetics and different types of chemicals. This type is usually caused by theprofession of the patient (in most cases, allergen is chrome). Changes arevisible on the hands, but they can also spread to other body parts, especially ifthe condition has become chronic. The treatment includes general and specific measures; general include eliminating the contact with allergen and withirritating substances. Regular use of protective rubber gloves is necessary forthe patients, but those should be put after the cotton gloves, because hands shouldnot sweat. If the changes are mostly on the hands, the contact with some fruit hasto be avoided (especially those that contain certain acids). Affected surfacesshould be treated with mild soap and hypermangan dilutions. Also, hydratingcreams are used all the time.

Irritating dermatitis is non-immunologic reaction that occursafter the skin was under the effect of some toxic substances. Commonly, this type ofeczema happens as a result of too much use of chemical products (detergents).Fat layers from the skin are eliminated and chemicals can cause a lot ofproblems in that situation. Besides, edema and eritema, vesicles can occur,burning pain, and as the condition spreads, ulcers appear, too. This conditionhappens on hands mostly.

Atopic dermatitis is chronic eczema and its symptoms are itchinessand dry skin. It usually affects all the members of a family and it is usuallyfollowed by some respiratory and skin changes. Etiological factors that inducethe creation of this condition are irritation from soap, sweat and wool, but the fact is that emotional stress and infections might be responsible, too.


Besides general types of eczema treatment measures, specificmeasures include local and general treatment. Local treatment includesapplication of the creams on the affected areas. Usually, corticosteroids areused two times a day with emollient creams. Antibiotic creams can be used,especially if there is super infection. General treatment in serious andadvanced forms includes the use of corticosteroids, and if itching is present, sedativesmust be present. Eczema can be treated and eliminated; it is a slow process, but it can be done. The point is that, at the first sign of some skin or similarchange, a doctor has to be visited.

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