Eczema is one of the most common medical conditions in theworld as it hits more than one fifth of the entire population of the world.Some people experience it as a chronic condition which gets irritated by thefactors from the environment or by the diet. Some others are luckier as theygradually get rid of eczema over the course of a few years. Eczema is actuallyan umbrella term which is used to describe a wide variety of medical conditionswhich affect the skin. The most common condition of them all is medically referredto as the atopic dermatitis, and it is easily characterized by a red, itchy,dry rash which covers the most portions of the skin.
Typical Triggers
Eczema seems to be different from person to person in termsof visual appearance and that is mainly due to numerous different sorts offactors which are associated with the occurrence of this medical condition.Sometimes it gets triggered by certain allergens such as dairy products, meat,pollen, dust mites and so on, while in some other cases it may be triggered bystress, hot weather or certain types of detergents. Common cold, influenza andother medical conditions induced by different types of viruses can also be heldresponsible for the occurrence of eczema in some cases. Eczema may affect peopleof all different ages, but certain scientific studies have shown that itsometimes may also be related to family history. The core reason why eczemaoccurs is that the immune system of a person has a certain anomalous reactionto certain stimulants and factors. Eczema cannot be cured completely but thereare certain measures of prevention which can be taken in the first place. Thosemeasures include sweating as little as possible, avoidance of extreme humidityor temperature changes, reduction of all different sorts of allergens,avoidance of all types of skin irritants and proper moisturizing at all times.
Common Eczema Treatments
Most treatments for eczema come in the form of creams orointments. The most common ones include Cyclosporine A and various sorts ofcorticosteroids. These are very efficient in regulating the responses of thehuman body’s immune system. Flaxseed is a natural treatment for eczema and itis one of the most efficient of them all because it provides the human bodywith abundant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. It can betaken in numerous different forms, both internally and externally.
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