The Dangers of Second-hand Smoke
Even though many smokers believe that they are responsible for what they do and do not understand why other people tell them to quit smoking, they should stop and think. Surely, the main damage of their favorite vice is directed towards them, their cardiovascular system, throat, heart, lungs and various other organs. However, during their smoking indulgence, they exhale second-hand smoke which can, in some cases, be even more dangerous than the original smoke they themselves inhale.
Namely, this second-hand smoke is expelled for others to breathe it in. Thus, family, close friends, children and many other people who spend time with smokers are exposed to smoke themselves. Needless to say, this makes them smoke as well, even though passively. So, as soon as they indulge in such an involuntary action, they are bound to experience health problems, some more serious than the others. Thus, smokers not only harm themselves, they are destroying other people's lives as well.
Upon having a career of passive smoking, a non-smoking adult can experience lung diseases, heart conditions, cancer and many other health conditions. Moreover, children can develop asthma or can have asthma attacks if they already are suffering from the illness. Additionally, pregnant women who are exposed to second-hand smoke, have a risk of giving birth to a low-weight baby or having a miscarriage.
All in all, even though this is just the tip of the iceberg, the danger of passive smoking is more thanreal.
Bans and Ways of Stopping PassiveSmoking
In order to stop passive smoking, we need to ban regular smoking as well. Thus, many companies have decided to take this step, due to a high number of passive smokers taking days off, due to the fact that they suffer from some illnesses they got from inhaling second-hand smoke of their co-workers for too long. Many times, smokers themselves start desiring a change, noticing how their unhealthy hobby seems to be destroying the health of many people around them.
As far as smoking cessation is concerned, we have several, most effective, options. First of all, you may try hypnosis or self-hypnosis, both being very effective ways of reprogramming your subconsciousness in order to quit smoking. There are many other methods and medications which all guarantee smoking cessation. The rest is up to the smoker. He/she can either continue killing him/herself and all the people around him/her, or can try and make a life-bettering change.
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