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The Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a tree belonging to the mulberry family and its fruit is most often found in the areas of southwestern India, Bangladesh, Philippines and Sri Lanka. It is a type of plant which is extremely well suited and adapted to tropical lowlands. This fruit is mostly agreeable when it reaches its full size and growth but is still not too ripe, which is important since then it is not followed by an unpleasant smell. When brought back to the kitchen, in this form, it needs to be cut nicely and boiled until it becomes softer. It is at this moment that the jackfruit is best to be used and consumed, and so by cutting the most delicious flesh out from the inside. Interestingly enough, since it can also be preserved in a can and up to one year, most people find it even more delicious in this form. Vegetarians primarily, gave it a rather peculiar name, i.e. vegetable meat. What further adds up to its taste, and that of its natural nectar, are the synthetic supplements such as ethyl and n-butyl esters.


Despite the fact that it is most commonly found in the countries already mentioned, it has somehow managed to find its way all the way to the tropical regions of the Caribbean and also to the entire American continent. The delightful taste is not the only thing for which people adore it. It is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, zinc and many more. Another of its health related benefits is that its caloric content is ever so low, only just 94 calories in 100 grams. Given the fact that it is so vitamin and substance rich, especially in potassium, it has the potential to ameliorate and aid every person suffering from high blood pressure.

The presence of vitamin C, is the one that cannot be neglected. Since our body is unable of manufacturing this vitamin on its own and solely for its purposes, we must eat plenty of food which abounds in it - one being also the jackfruit. Why is vitamin C so essential? Well the answer is because it functions as an antioxidant, providing protection of the body during the battle with free radicals. What it also does, is keeping our body cells together and in groups, as well as giving strength to our immune system. Among other substances which can be found in jackfruit are also phytonutrients. These are known to posses anti-cancer, anti-ulcer and anti-aging characteristics and potentials. Because it is so rich in phytonutrients, it is also extremely important in stopping cancer-cells formation in our body, then in fighting against the ulcers and in decreasing high blood pressure.

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