Information on Mangosteen
Mangosteen is among the most popular tropical fruits in theworld. It is usually grown in the humid and hot climates of Southeast Asia andis enjoyed by many because of its numerous different health benefits.Mangosteen grows on small evergreen trees and it can also be found in Africa,Pacific Islands, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Mangosteen is also referred to as garcinia mangostana because that is itsbotanical name. It can be characterized by a round shape and it can be up to 3inches in diameter. It has a dark purple color and its juicy flesh is soft andsnow-white in color. A unique fact aboutmangosteen is that each contains a type of scar at one end, representative ofthe flower.
Not only that this scar indicates the number of segments the fruitcontains, but it also indicates the amount of seeds. Those mangosteens with themost segments have fewer seeds. Mangosteen fruit iscommonly used for numerous medicinal purposes and it is sometimes referred toas the queen of fruits.
Health Benefits of Mangosteen
Mangosteen is cherished because of its unbelievablydelicious taste but it is also very rich in numerous different types ofnutrients. It is a remarkable source of carbohydrates and fibers. It is alsovery rich in vitamin A, potassium, vitamin B2, calcium, vitamin B6 and iron.Mangosteen is also a great source of xanthones which are natural polyphenoliccompounds.
They're found in numerousdifferent types of rain forest plants and certain species of dark red fruitsand even things like the purple kumara which is a staple of the Maori in NewZealand for centuries.
Xanthones can be found in abundance in the pericarp orrind of the Mangosteen fruit. The most well knownxanthones are garcinone E, beta-mangostin, alpha-mangostin and garconone B.Xanthones have very potent antioxidant properties and they come in very handywhen it comes to fighting the free radicals and controlling the deterioratingeffects and damage they cause to the human body. Xanthones are also efficientin slowing down the process of aging, controlling degenerative diseases and boostingthe immune system.
They are of great help in treating arthritis, hypertension,atherosclerosis, thrombosis and ischemic heart disease. Mangosteen also hasvery strong anti-fungal, anti-allergenic, antibacterial, antihistamine andanti-fatigue properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties so it can beused for the treatment of sciatica, numerous different types of allergicreactions and peripheral neuropathy. Mangosteen can also be used for theprevention of diabetes, depression, cancer, body pain, Parkinson’s disease,inflammatory conditions, Alzheimer’s disease, fever, heart disease andmigraine.
Mangosteen fruit is very efficient in supporting microbial balance,providing positive mental support, improving the flexibility of the joints,promoting the health of the respiratory system and maintain the health of theintestines.
Medicinal Uses of Mangosteen Fruit
Mangosteen fruit has been used for numerous centuries in thetraditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of numerous different medical conditions.It can be used for the treatment of painful sensations and different types ofinfections. Since it is rich in tannins it has strong astringent and antisepticproperties and it can be used for the treatment of dysentery, gonorrhea,cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, eczema, numerous skin disordersand skin rash.
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