Quince is a fruit that belongs tothe same family as the apples and pears. This fruit originates from southwestern Asiaand Caucasus region. Today it also grows in various parts in other continents and in America, but the Asian quince isregarded as much better since it contains much more juice and is softer. Itresembles pear in shape and when mature, quince has golden-yellowish color. Peoplecan consume raw quince, which is very rare because of the astringent and tartflavor, or they can make quince preserves, jams or jellies and quince juices. When buying quince, it is advisableto choose large and firm quince that is yellow in color.
Health benefits of quince
Quince is very rich in carbohydrates,water, vitamin C, as well as in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It is a fruit that is very richin fibers and because of that, it is very effective for those people who payattention to a healthy body, and also for obese people who try to loss weight. Due to antioxidant features, quince isvery good at fighting against free radicals, thus decreasing the risk ofdeveloping cancer. People who suffer from any kind ofdisease that is caused by a virus can have only benefits from consuming thisfruit, because quince is rich in numerous anti-viral properties. Normal digestion and lower cholesterolcan be obtained by the regular use of quince in the diet. Furthermore, this fruit is recommendedfor those people who have problems with gastric ulcer, because the symptoms ofthis disorder may definitely be reduced by quince.
By investigating this fruit, the researchershave found that this fruit has tonic and antiseptic as well as analeptic,astringent and diuretic features. Moreover, the risk of heart diseasemay be reduced by the regular consummation of quince, because this fruit is veryrich in vitamin C. Quince is beneficial for those whosuffer from tuberculosis, diarrhea and dysentery, as wellas for those who have problems with anemia, some kind of cardiovascular disorders,respiratory illnesses, and even asthma. Quinceis also very good for those who suffer from liver diseases or eye diseases. It is advisable to have quince ineveryday diet because it has lots of vitamin C, dietary fiber and copper while,on the other hand, it is low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium. Quince may also relieve stress, becauseit is full of antioxidants and it is very effective as an anti-emetic remedy.
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