Apricots contain many vitaminsand other highly nutritive very highly useful for the proper functioning of oursystem. Now, if you take into consideration the fact that 5 pounds of ripe,fresh apricots are needed to create only one pound of dried ones, it is easy tocome to conclusion that dried apricots are a very healthy part of any person'sdiet.
What is also important to know isthat one can easily differ organic dried apricots from non-organic ones. Thesecret lies in the color. Usually, one would always choose orange colored driedapricots than the brown, dark ones. And, always, this would be a mistake, since;organic ones tend to get that natural brown color while the orange ones weregiven chemical substances in order to preserve the ripe color. Bear in mindthat those pretty orange ones can trigger an allergic reaction or even triggeryour asthma if you suffer from it.
These dried fruits contain manyhealthy elements among which are carotene, iron, silicone, vitamin C and manyothers.
How the apricots help us, onemight ask. Well, they help us greatly known to be extremely helpful in manydigestive problems such as constipation and the whole digestive process ingeneral. The iron they possess helps with balancing and increasing the red cellcount in our blood, as well as the level of hemoglobin. While suffering fromfever or nausea, apricot juice is an excellent remedy since it cleans ourorgans and delivers numerous vitamins and minerals. Apricot leaves are known tobe very helpful when treating skin irritations or injuries making it one morepart of this plant which is healthy.
Considered to be a low-caloriefood, apricots are an excellent choice when wanting to decrease body weightsince when sliced in a blender until they become very smooth, they can be usedas a substitute to many grease or oil dependent meals.
One of the things that may not behealthy in this fruit is its seed. Although of a pleasant taste, in largeramounts it is known to have poisonous characteristics.
Otherwise, everything about apricotsis very good for you. Keep in mind that if they are not so ripe after purchase,they will be in a period or couple of days, and when they are ripe they should be eatenas soon as they are soft and orange since they tend to decay quickly.
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