Health benefits of herbal andother teas have been known in ancient civilizations of the fare east forthousands of years. Those people who believed that various teas not only brings andmaintains good health but they thought that teas also bring you joy andhappiness, too.
Anti microbial qualities, heartdiseases, cancer, diabetes, help with weight loss and cholesterol control areonly some of health benefits of teas the West have discovered recently.
Doctors and researches in theWest, after careful studies, recommend that drinking of teas, and having theminstead of coffee, too. They claim that there is no downside at all to drinkingteas. Although there is always a questions about how much tea, and how toproperly prepare it, and a majority of nutritionists have spoken; any tea is a goodtea.
There are many various kinds ofteas, and we will try to mention some of them;
Tea aficionados recognize as aproper tea only when several kinds of teas such as white tea, black tea, green tea, put – erg teaand oolong tea. They all derived from the same plant, very common and native inIndia and China, called Camellia saneness. That plant contained lots ofantioxidants, called flavonoids, which helps the body fight free radicals thatcan be lead to heart disease, cancer or clogged arteries.
Oolong teaAntioxidants from this type of tea have a low cholesterol impact and this teais also good for weight loss.
Black teathis type of tea, made of fermented tea leaves has highest level of caffeine,and it is base for many popular tea mixtures. Studies shoe that this tea canprevent stokes and help them with cigarette smoke affected lungs.
Green teathis tea has high concentration of antioxidants, and which has many healthbenefits; this can help cure the cancer, unclog the arteries, lows yourcholesterol, and many more.
White teathis tea has proven record in various studies of most been potent anti cancerproperties, compared to other teas.
Purer teathis particular type of tea is considered to be a black tea. It helps you withcholesterol control and also may help you to lose weight.
Herbal teasthose teas are usually made from various mixtures of seeds, herbs, or roots ofplants like jasmine, hibiscus, ginseng, Echinacea, chamomile, etc, and they areconsidered less antioxidant rich than normal teas.
Some of this herbal teas myprevent or help you with managing various disorders like diabetes, kidney andnerve damage, cold, cancer, high blood pressure etc.
There are also some instant teason the market today, but they do not have any proper healing properties, due toartificial sweeteners and very low amount of real tea in them.
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