Teahas been used for its health benefits for ages, and in the present time it’smore than eager to take back the throne that it is entitled to. As numerousstudies have shown, caffeinated teas have a vital say when it comes not only toweight loss, but also to boosting our immune system and lowering the risk ofcancer, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, heart attack and Alzheimer’sdisease. But those types of tea are not the only ones that have numeroushealth benefits. Furthermore, black and red teas contain exactly the sameantioxidants, which can be found in green tea and which aid in prevention of moresevere conditions such as cancer, heart attack and stroke. Due to the fact thatgreen tea is actually processed to a smaller degree, it contains a higherquantity of antioxidants, and if we want to go even further, white tea, theleast processed of all of them, is the richest one in antioxidants. Even thoughthe processing can, to a certain degree, diminish the quantity of antioxidants,in both, black and red tea, these remain nevertheless great sources of polyphones.
Goingback to caffeinated teas, numerous studies have discovered that their benefitsspan over a wide area, beginning with cardiovascular health, because people whodrink tea have 70% less risk of coming down with a fatal heart attack; toosteoporosis, since experienced tea drinkers have shown to have stronger bones.The benefits of its consumptions are obvious regarding the immune system(because according to the studies, tea is one of the factors contributing to astronger immune system) as well as regarding colon cancer, since, if drunkmoderately, white/green tea may have the same effect as some prescription.Speaking of cancer, tea is considered to have benefits in enhancing protectionof skin cells, diminishing skin cancer and skin aging process. By drinking 5cups of green tea, there is a greater potential to increase metabolic rate andthe metabolic system to burn an additional 70-80 calories per day. Newlyacquired evidence show that drinking tea may decrease the risk of developingParkinson’s disease while some other studies have discovered a possible linkbetween tea drinking and lowering the risk in the occurrence of Alzheimer’sdisease and dementia, brain cells repairmen and cognitive functionsdeterioration. According to the health experts, in order to get the most of teathere is, we should drinking at least two cups every day.
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