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Ginseng tea is botanically referred to as Panax and it is a perennial type of plant characterized by a fleshy root which originates from Manchuria. The fleshy root is actually the part of the plant which is used for the preparation of Ginseng herbal tea. It has been used for many millennia because it provides the human body with various different types of health benefits.

History of Ginseng

Most of those health benefits are derived from certain powerful types of natural chemicals which are referred to as Ginsenosides. In the ancient China it was called Ren Shen which could be roughly translated to man root. Japanese and Korean people refer to it as Ninjin. Traditional Chinese medicine considered ginseng as a palliative and rejuvenating type of natural remedy which could be used for the prevention and treatment of almost every known ailment. It was a common belief that regular consumption of ginseng tea lead to prolonged life. In some periods of mankind it was more valuable than gold. The Chinese Mainland had such big demands for ginseng tea, so it also had to be imported from Korea. The wild stock soon became exhausted so it had to be cultivated commercially in order to provide enough supplies.

Usage of Ginseng Root

Ginseng root can be used in both fresh and dried form and it may come in the form of tea bags, powder, slices or as a whole. Some people also use ginseng plant leaves for medicinal purposes. Cultivated varieties of ginseng include the white and the red one. A plant needs to be grown for at least 6 years before its root can be harvested. The white ginseng involves the process of peeling and sun-drying while the production of red ginseng involves only steaming followed by drying.

Types of Ginseng

There are various different types and varieties of ginseng everywhere around the world but the most common and popular ones include American ginseng, Peruvian ginseng (which is also known as Maca), Brazilian ginseng, Prince ginseng, Southern ginseng, Siberian ginseng, Japanese ginseng, Asian ginseng and Indian ginseng which is also known as Ashwagandha.

Health Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng tea can be of great help in the prevention and treatment of numerous different sorts of medical conditions such as poor circulation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, headaches, high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, temporomandibular joint syndrome, Crohn’s disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, weak immune system, decreased sex drive, mental and physical stress, fatigue, indigestion and lack of appetite.

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