Wulong Tea is a traditional Chinese tea whose name can be roughly translated to black dragon. Wu would be black, while Long translates to dragon. Wulong is semi-fermented and it is actually named after the person who first discovered it. It is commonly produced in the cities of Fujian and Guangdong.
It fits in the same category with several other main teas that are commonly produced in China. The Fujian tea folklore tells a tale of a tea farmer from the period of the Qing Dynasty in the Fujian Province. He lived in the Anxi County and his name was Su Long but the locals called him Wu Long because he had darker complexion, so that is how the tea got its name. The western word refers to it as Oolong tea. The same plant actually produces different types of tea with completely different aromas and flavors. The difference is made by the basic production method. Oolong is semi fermented, green tea is left unfermented, while the production of black tea requires the leaves to be fully fermented.
The Wulong tea is the general name of that type of tea, but there are so many different types of this tea that represents the tea of China so well. Some of the most popular types include Bai Du Dan, Fenghuang Dancong, Shui Jin Gui, Sui Xian, Wuyi Yancha, Da Hang Pao, Tie Luo Han, Tie Guanying, Tie Guan Yin, and Feng Huang Shui Xian.
Health Benefits
Wulong tea has many health benefits and it is very popular because it helps in losing weight. It is also efficient in preventing numerous types of cancer, reducing hypertension, lowering the blood pressure and it has very potent antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Numerous studies have shown that Wulong tea can help by significantly reducing the risk of cancer and inhibiting the growth of the cancer cells.
Polyphenol extracted from the Wulong tea can induces apoptosis in the cancer cells located in the human stomach and by doing so it can actually program an induced death of those cells. Wulong is abundant in chafusoride which is a compound with very powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it is very efficient in preventing colon cancer. Wulong tea also has very strong anti-aging properties because it lowers the risk of cognitive impairment and decline that are usually associated with the process of aging. Wulong tea is also very beneficial in reducing the risk of hypertension.
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