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Are you getting migraine attacks? Many people will not even think of any activity or exercise that requires movement once a terribly painful headache strikes.

Migraines are especially worsened by any activity or movement. However certain studies have shown that carefully planned exercises such as walking can greatly reduce headaches and lessen the intensity once a headache strikes.

A consistent plan of a daily walking routine can help reduce the intensity of chronic headaches. Outdoor air is additionally helpful because it is a lot different from the air indoors, which is full of dust mites and various chemicals that do not help much with headaches. The perfect mix of outdoor air and carefully planned physical activities significantly reduces the level of pain associated with headaches.

One should take notice that exercise can also trigger headaches.

Medications such as beta-blockers can increase the potential for headaches induced by exercises and affect performance during those exercises. This usually happens because the medications lower the pulse and limit the heart’s capability of contracting.

How To Start?

Warming up before exercises can greatly help in reducing the possibility of headaches triggered by such activities. Once it is all summed up, walking turns out to be the most preferable form of exercise. Sometimes doctors may suggest Indomethacin which is a medication used against inflammatory conditions and helps keep headaches at bay while walking.

Walking does not call for any equipment and can be performed anywhere. It also provides all the health benefits of exercises without the risk connected with other more intense exercises.

A gradual expansion of goals is very important. Distance walking can be increased with time, and one can also alter the pace during walking. Studies have shown that walks of half an hour per day for three days a week cut the frequency of headaches by half.

Health Benefits of Walking

Obesity also contributes to headaches, so walking is also helpful in weight loss programs. A friend can join the walk for some good social time and to keep the motivation at high levels. Walking reduces stress instantly and keeps the mood up.

Poor insulation of homes is the main reason why indoor air quality is generally worse than outdoor air. Due to the tightly insulated new homes, there is not enough fresh air circulating throughout the home. The air gets contaminated by various substances and makes headaches even worse. The windows should be open during the milder months of the year as much as possible.

There is an unmet need of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options for migraine patients. Exercise can be used in the treatment of several pain conditions, including. However, what exact role exercise plays in migraine prevention is unclear. Here, we review the associations between physical exercise and migraine from an epidemiological, therapeutical and pathophysiological perspective.
  • This review was based on a primary literature search on the PubMed using the search terms “migraine and exercise”.
  • Low levels of physical exercise and high frequency of migraine has been reported in several large population-based studies. In experimental studies exercise has been reported as a trigger factor for migraine as well as migraine prophylaxis.
  • Possible mechanisms for how exercise may trigger migraine attacks, include acute release of neuropeptides such as calcitonin gene-related peptide or alternation of hypocretin or lactate metabolism. Mechanisms for migraine prevention by exercise may include increased beta-endorphin, endocannabinoid and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levers in plasma after exercise.
✓ Fact confirmed: The association between migraine and physical exercise Faisal Mohammad Amin, Stavroula Aristeidou, Carlo Baraldi, Ewa K. Czapinska-Ciepiela, Daponte D. Ariadni, Davide Di Lenola, Cherilyn Fenech, Konstantinos Kampouris, Giorgos Karagiorgis, Mark Braschinsky, Mattias Linde & European Headache Federation School of Advanced Studies (EHF-SAS); 10 September 2018

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