There are many different exercise options available. All of them are almost equally beneficial and may help to prevent or cure various forms of diseases.
Benefits of exercising
Regular physical exercise also improves the metabolic rate, helps to maintain at optimum weight, improves body posture and natural range of motion, boosts the immune system and helps to release the stress. The most appropriate type of physical exercise varies from person to person and depends on numerous factors including the age, health status, desired goals, and lifestyle. At least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, such as walking, dancing or running, is enough to keep the heart healthy. However, sometimes the goal of exercise is not only to remain or become healthy, but also to build some muscles and reshape the body. Let us take a closer look to two main types of physical activity: aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Generally speaking, intensity at which a person performs an activity determines if it's aerobic or anaerobic.
Anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise includes physical routine aimed to trigger anaerobic metabolism. Anaerobic metabolism is the creation of energy through the combustion of carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen that happens inside the cells. Anaerobic metabolism occurs when lungs cannot process enough oxygen into the blood, to keep up with the demands from the muscles. This type of exercise is usually used by professional athletes in non-endurance sports. Anaerobic exercise promotes speed, strength, power, and builds muscle mass. This type of exercise is great whenever people want to accomplish supreme performance in short duration and high intensity activities. Strength training and short-distance running are perfect examples of anaerobic exercise.Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise is, by contrast, relatively low in intensity but very long in duration. During this type of exercise, the body relies on aerobic energy system. The word “aerobic” actually means “with oxygen”. During aerobic exercise, the body will use oxygen to generate energy. Aerobic exercise has numerous health benefits. It strengthens the muscles, enlarges heart muscle, improves pumping efficiency and reduces the heart rate, improves circulation, optimizes blood pressure, increases the number of red blood cells, improves mental health and reduces the risk of diabetes. Because of its great benefits for the heart, aerobic exercise is also known as the cardio training. Great examples of aerobic exercise are dancing, swimming, biking, walking, hiking, and playing tennis, climbing steps, kick boxing and all other activities that demand constant effort that lasts longer. Some types of exercise machines also stimulate aerobic activities: treadmill, bike, elliptical, stair climber, etc.
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