The essential tool
Giving a haircut isthought by many as just another 5-minute job, which requires noextraordinary effort to be done properly. However, this is never the case sincegiving a good haircut is an art in its own respect. In this regard, the mostimportant and essential tool for every hairdresser is, of course, his/herhaircutting scissors. Since they are the means for hairdressers to express themselves, they should not only be chosen with care but also maintained with one. In casethis appropriate care is absent, a hairdresser can encounter a lot of obstacleson the way to “cutting” a picture perfect hairdo. Some of the most frequentlyencountered hindrances known to hairdressers include the following:
Hair throwing/pulling in the course ofcuttingHair shift/relocation towards the tipsof the scissor blades instead of cutting properlyPinched hair/focused in the momentswhen a hairdresser tightens the scissor bladesSheers feeling severe in the course ofhaircuttingFrom minimum tomaximum
In order to avoid allthat has been mentioned above, and thus minimize the stress and maximize youreffectiveness and number of customers, there are certain steps that can beundertaken. They include such as the following:
Regular cleaning of the scissors – in orderto do a most successful deep cleaning of scissors, i.e. the blades need to be purifiedwith a soft and dry cloth, since one has previously applied some oil inbetween the blades themselves, as well as on the set of screws that hold themtogether. This way one will cleanse, in a sense, the scissors from any leftoverhair and also from the oil previously applied. This will enable one to cut haireffortlessly and put into practice quite easily anything his/her mind has imagined.
Proper adjustment – in order for themto be most effective, one’s scissors need to be perfectly adjusted to one’shand and fingers. In order to do this, it is essential to get as firm hold ofthem as possible, and press them in a determinate manner upon the toughsurface. Also regarded as important is for one to make the best possible use ofthe dime, the screwdriver or the composition apparatus for the purpose ofbetter adjusting them by spinning the screw in a clockwise direction. However,this needs to be done delicately and with special care, since if the screws aretightened too much, one is surely going to need a new pair.
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