A curse of having great abs and being fit with emphasizedmuscles is being cast upon us and it cannot be eliminated easily. Butunfortunately, people tend to like having nice bodies for wrong reasons.Looking good on a beach or a pool party is completely irrelevant; stayinghealthy for majority of life is the only thing that matters.
Building fat cells is very easy and there is another factthat most people do not know. Once created, fat cells cannot be eliminated;they can only shrink with diets and exercises. The problems that excessive fattissue can produce are diabetes, increased blood pressure, arteriosclerosis(which might lead to numerous heart problems); increased cholesterol and triglyceridelevels, liver and gallbladder can be damaged. And then there are psychologicalissues that might emerge, since people suffering from obesity tend to lose self-esteem, start avoiding socializing, they even might subdue to depression. Instead of trying to eliminate the excessive weight in normal way, people starteating more.
Eliminating fat
Now, the fun part. People usually tend to think that losingweight is something that will happen in few weeks, few months perhaps. Andthere are ways to achieve that with so-called crash diets and rigorousexercising. But that is not a healthy thing to do. Weight did not come in a fewweeks or months, it is something that usually builds up over years and it wouldbe for the best for losing weight process to be gradual. Losing weight happenswhen there is a difference between energy taken via food and energy spent, which means that ifspent energy has a higher value, weigh is lost. Usually, for a healthy fatelimination, intake of calories should be about 1600 (for men), which can beeliminated with healthy, balanced diets and exercises.
Getting rid of stomach fat is not easy when it comes to men;fat cells tend to accumulate more in that part of the body. When it comes toexercises, it is a good way of eliminating stomach fat, but some things haveto be taken into consideration. Abdominal exercises are recommended, but it mightbe better to do exercises that will induce losing weight in all parts of thebody, not only stomach. That is a much better solution for organism and in thelong run, it has better effects. Also, when over eating, volume of intestinesbecomes bigger and that causes stomach to grow. With less eating, over time,that volume will be reduced and the stomach will become smaller. The most important thing is to be persistent, show patienceand some faith, and the stomach and the rest of the fat will be gone. It mighttake some time but it will happen.
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