A stye or a hordeolum is an infection affecting the eyelid. It can involve internal or external glands of the eye, such as Zeis or Moll’s glands, as well as the meibobian gland. It can be treated successfully but it tends to reoccur, especially if proper hygienic habits are not kept.
In most cases, styes are caused by staphylococcus bacterial infections. They can also result from untreated conjunctivitis, eye strain, other eye infections and poor hygiene. Recurrent styes can also be associated with weakened immune system.
A stye does not significantly impair the vision and it certainly does not cause any permanent vision problems. It can, however, cause temporary blurred vision because of increased tearing and possibly pus.
Styes are generally in form of boils on internal or external part of the eyelid. They often involve one or more eyelash follicles. The boils are red and painful and the entire eyelid may become significantly swollen. Styes can also be very painful, even when they are not touched. When a pus-filled stye bursts, the pus that oozes out can cause the eyelids and eyelashes to stick together, maling it difficult to open the eye, especially in the morning.
Home remedies for styes
Some styes go away on their own, without treatment, but using home remedies can significantly reduce the symptoms and speed up the recovery. Some doctors prescribe antibiotic ointments or eye drops for styes, or even oral antibiotics in severe cases, but in most cases styes can successfully be treated at home, using only natural remedies.
One of the bets remedies for styes is the application of warm, moist compresses. The warmth brings the pus out of the boil so it can heal faster. Warm compresses should be applied four to five times a day, 5-10 minutes.
Very effective natural eye drops for styes can be made by cooking one teaspoon of turmeric in two cups of water until the amount of water is reduced in half. The liquid should then be allowed to cool and strained through a fine cheesecloth until the liquid is completely clear. Then it can be applied with a dropper to the affected eye.
Warmed and pressed guava leaves can also be applied as a compress to the affected eye.
A solution made of boiled coriander seeds makes a very effective eye rinse against styes. It should be used three times a day.
It seems that gently pressing wet teabags against the eye is also very helpful against styes. Any type of tea will do, as long as the bag is completely wet and warm.
A paste made by mincing one fresh potato, spread on a clean cloth, is also very beneficial for all inflammatory conditions of the eye, including styes.
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