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Flushed Face Characteristics

Having a flushed face is nothingstrange, and most of us have experienced this many times in ourlives. Most often, a flushed face strikes us when we are angry orplaced in awkward, shameful situations. Moreover, stress and anxietymay lead to this phenomenon as well. Flushed face manifests through asudden, short-lasting appearance of redness on one's face. However,not all reasons behind this condition have to be so benign, sincethere are more serious culprits responsible for one's flushed face. Ifwe are to explain why this happens, the explanation is quite simple.Namely, the blood vessels in our face start receiving more bloodrunning through them. Because of this they expand, leading to theonset of this condition. Of course, the reasons may be different.Nevertheless, this is the most common case.

Reasons behind Flushed Face

We know that we are likely toexperience having a flushed face once we consume something spicy.This happens due to the fact that spicy food has certain ingredientswhich trigger the expansion of our blood vessels. Also, once we eatsomething hot quickly, we are bound to experience this phenomenontoo. This happens because our brain perceives the sudden increase inour body temperature and tries to regulate it by expanding bloodvessels, thereby increasing our blood flow.

Another cause of flushed face isalcohol. Again, alcohol is another element which makes our bloodvessels wider. Additionally, people who are using certain medicationscan notice the same effect. This mostly happens to people who usemedications which are to lower their blood pressure or compensate fortheir vitamin B3 deficiency.

We are all aware of the fact that, oncewe are exercising, especially doing some sorts of cardio workouts,our faces are likely to get flushed. The reason is the same as insome of the previous cases. Basically, our blood circulationincreases due to the increase of the speed of our heartbeats.Subsequently, in order to regulate this, the blood vessels areexpanded and the redness appears. However, we should exercise hardfor about 20 minutes in order for these symptoms to appear.

Finally, the cause may be completelydifferent. There is a condition called rosacea. It manifests itselfthrough the appearance of the blood vessels on the surface of theskin. Rosacea is usually accompanied with pain and tenderness of thefacial area, redness and itching. All these might be transferred toone's neck or ears. Apart from the above mentioned short-lasting faceflushes, rosacea is far more persistent and requires treatment.

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