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Telangiectasia is the medical term for the spider veins on nose. The other names for this condition are sunburst varicosities and veridical veins on nose. Although the varicose veins are usually seen on the legs,they can also appear on the nose. The varicose veins on the legs appear due to the maximum stress that they have to bear. These veins are stressed since they have to carry the blood from the feet to the heart.

On the other side, spider veins on nose are not a common condition. It occurs rarely and usually appears on the nose, on the face and the neck. It is well known that the blood circulates from the heart to the different parts of the body and from various body parts back to the heart. In those people who suffer from spider veins, the gravitation causes the blood to leak back. Thus, the spider veins occur.

Causes of spider veins on nose

Spider veins on nose may be caused by various reasons. In the majority of cases, this disorder is caused by rosacea. Furthermore, extreme exposure to sun, as well as a traumatic experience, may also induce the occurrence of spider veins on nose. Varicose veins on nose may be also caused by various allergies. Even vomiting can be responsible for the incidence of thiscondition. Spider veins on nose may also be inherited due to certain genes responsible for that. It is also considered that obesity, excessive consummation of alcohol and cigarettes may lead to the appearance of varicose veins on nose.

The women who are pregnant or who reached menopause, as well as the girls in puberty should avoid alcohol and smoking since there is a high risk to develop spider veins on nose. Rosacea is a medical condition that is also responsible for the development of spider veins on nose. Rosacea is marked by the enlarged blood vessels and by the appearance of redness on the nose and on the cheeks, which is accompanied by acne. When the people who suffer from rosacea excessively consume alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine and chocolate, they may easily develop spider veins on nose. Furthermore, those people with rosacea should avoid extreme exposure to sun and to the winds in order to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins on nose. It is also believed that steroid creams that are applied on the face for a long period of time may cause the development of spider veins on nose. Therefore, they should be avoided.

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