About Rosacea
Rosacea is a skin condition affecting Caucasians only. This conditionaffects over 45 million of people worldwide and they suffer from flushing andredness of the facial skin. These first symptoms are called erythema and affectedareas are usually the central part of the face, the cheeks, the forehead and thenose. However, patients may experience rosacea of the neck and chest as well.
Exact cause of rosacea is not known. Different theoriessuggest involvement of genetic and environmental factors. Overactive bloodvessels of the face are also associated with rosacea, as well as some inflammations.In some cases, patients have been found to have an increased number or hairfollicle mites, so scientists presume the mites have something to do with thismedical problem. Helicobacter pylori, the known cause of stomach problems, isalso found to be of higher incidence in people suffering from rosacea.
This skin condition affects both men and women and itusually starts after the age of 30. Hot and spicy food, alcohol and caffeine areknown to worsen the problem. Patients also notice that exposure to temperaturechanges, wind, sun and rain may make their problem worse. Stress and the use ofACEI (medications for high blood pressure, angiotensin converting enzymeinhibitors) may also cause development of rosacea.
Do You Know Rosacea Symptoms?
As we already said, flushing of the skin on the face andneck are the most common first symptoms of rosacea. Increased volume of theblood causes blood vessels to adjust and as a direct result of thisadjustment patients experience facial redness. In early stages, the redness istransient, but after some time, this may become a permanent condition of theskin.
Red lines on the face or telangiectasia may appear with theprogression of the disease. These lines are actually enlarged blood vesselsunder the skin and as the redness of the face fades, these lines become more andmore visible. Facial skin may become itchy and some of rosacea patients have reportedburning sensations of the affected skin. Swelling of the face may also be presentin this condition, as well as the enlargement of the nose (rhinoedema).
Rosacea is also characterized with the pimples and papules,with or without the pus. However, patients suffering from rosacea don’t have troubleswith whiteheads or blackheads.
There is also ocular rosacea. This condition is usually notserious but it requires treatment and many patients experience conjunctivitis,inflammation or dry and crusty eyelids. Untreated ocular rosacea may lead to keratitisor irisitis.
Rosacea Treatment
This skin disease affects patients very differently, so thereis no unique treatment suitable for everyone. What you need to know is thatrosacea is not curable and the condition may only be kept under control. Doctorsusually recommend topical creams or antibiotic medications, but surgical proceduresmight be an option for some cases.
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